Attacks on Villa San Giovanni, Crotone and Reggio in Italy
15 July 1943
From 150 Squadron ORB's
Mission summary:
"On this occasion eleven of our aircraft were detailed for operations. Two to bomb San Giovanni, four to bomb the aerodrome at Crotone and five to bomb the aerodrome at Reggio The captains were:
Villa San Gionanni
Crotone aerodrome
Reggio aerodrome
Weather was excellent in all cases and the 2 x 4000lb bombs were dropped very close to the ferry at Villa San Giovanni. The crews on the aerodromes had a most successful time and many aircraft werre ignited on the ground at both places. Defences on the aerodromes were negligible but at Villa San Giovanni there was moderate heavy flak and 12 searchlights in operation. All aircraft returned safely."