The Beaches between Messina and Cap Palero
8 August 1943
From 150 Squadron ORB's
Mission summary:
"On this occasion ten of our aircraft were detailed to attack the beaches between Messina and Cap Palero. The captains are:
- F/Sgt Sullivan
- Sgt Drewe
- F/O Williams
- S/Ldr Langlois
- Sgt Bashford
- Sgt Valentine
- Sgt Hales
- Sgt Hodgson
- F/Sgt Anderson
- F/O Jones
One aircraft, S/Ldr Langlois, failed to take off owing to engine trouble. Sgt Valentine returned early, with his bomb load, due to
aileron trouble. Seven of the eight crews identified and bombed the terget starting small fires. One crew reported a dummy fire inland
from Fillipo and another reported a flak ship off Peloro Point. The remaining aircraft bombed Giovanni beaches and a fire was left
burning. Opposition was negligible and the weather was cloudless at first on the route until Maritime Island where 3/10 to 5/10 strato
cumulus with tops at 5/6000ft was encountered which soon increased to 8/10-10/10 near Volano Island. The eight aircraft landed safely
at base between 0126 and 0317 hours.