El Aounina aerodrome near Tunis, Tunisia
28 April 1943
From 150 Squadron ORB's
Mission summary:
"Conditions better today and although 6-10/10 medium cloud is forecast for the Tunis and Bizerti area, it has been decided to detail twelve crews for operations. The target being El Aounina aerodrome near Tunis. The crews are:
- F/L Vincent
- F/O Langlois
- Sgt Leckie
- Sgt Smith
- Sgt Rimmer
- Sgt Alazrachi Snr
- Sgt Tinsley
- Sgt Lee
- Sgt Rayment
- Sgt Mortimer
- Sgt Seville
- Sgt
Alazrachi Jnr
Take off was between 0050 and 0123 hours and the attack was carried out between 0423 and 0434 Hours. There was much cloud on the way to the target and thundery conditions with showers considerably reduced visibility in the immediate approaches to the target area. Haze and intense darkness increased further the difficulties of pin-pointing. However, Sgt Smith placed a stick of incendiaries diagonnaly across the aerodrome (confirmed by photographs) and the crews were able to bomb on the fires with considerable precision. Little opposition was encountered and, with one exception, all the crews were able to press home their attack. Sgt Rimmer was unable to find the target area and at daybreak jettisoned his bombs over enemy territory and landed at Base owing to shortage of petrol and engine trouble. All the remaining aircraft landed safely at base between 0659 and 0740 hours except Sgt Seville, 'JN-J' who landed at Bone (now Annaba)."